bdsm rights, bdsm symbol, bdsm rights flag
BDSM Rights Main page & LinksLink to usBDSM Rights FlagFlag MakerOther symbols BDSM RightsThis site promotes the concept of "BDSM Rights":the belief that people whosesexuality or relationship preferences include Bondage and Discipline,Dominance and Submission, or Sadism and Masochism ("BDSM") deserve the samehuman rights as everyone else, and should not be discriminated against forpursuing BDSM with consenting page links to ongoing campaigns,BDSM-specific organisations,other human rights groups, BDSM Rights Flag page describes the flag designwe use, and hasfree prebuilt flag images, and a live flag maker program to createcustom images you can use commercially or personally if you support theabove BDSM Rights statement. There is also a standard 480x60 banner thatyou're welcome to use to link to pcsexe.compcsexe.comignsCampaigns related to specific abuses of the human rights of BDSM pcsexe.comash"The Home Office has begun a process to make it illegal to possess extreme adult images. ..pcsexe.comash is the campaigning organisation bringing together individuals and activist groups to oppose this legislation."Consenting Adult Action Network"Although not specifically a BDSM campaign or organisation as we appealto a far wider cross section, our roots are firmly within the BDSM communityand much of our campaigning has impact on those who practise believe in the right of consenting adults to make their own sexualchoices, in respect of what they do, see and enjoy alone or with otherconsenting adults, unhindered and unfettered by government. We believe that it is not the business of government to intrude into thesex lives of consenting adults."BDSM-HumanRights"On Wednesday 26th July 2000 in the UK began the start of a violationof human rights by an employer. So far it has resulted in the dismissal ofsomeone because of so called 'inappropriate activities', that is involvementin BDSM. This list was set up as a place where people can be kept up to datewith the progress of that case, find out how they can help with the 'fight'and as a general resource for others, in both the UK and other parts of theworld, that find themselves in similar positions."Revise F65"A European network built to work towards the removal of Fetishism andSM as psychiatric diagnoses from the ICD, the International Classificationof Diseases published by the World Health Organization (WHO). The initiativewas started by the Norwegian National Association for Lesbian and GayLiberation (LLH) and is supported by the European region of theInternational Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) and the EuropeanConfereration of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC.)"International Fetish Day"Fetish Day: what's yours?Friday 18th of January 2010 is International Fetish Day: a day belonging toeveryone with a's your day: what will you do to mark it? "BDSM OrganisationsOrganisations with an ongoing role in promoting the rights or civilliberties of BDSM pcsexe.comnal Leather Association North American association which aims to"promote the success and welfare of individuals, organizations,publications and businesses within our community; especially against threatsto their freedom of expression, freedom of the press, rights to freeassociation and right to equal protection under the law."Spanner Trust"The Trust was set up in 1995 in the wake of the Spanner case to managethe monies raised in the UK, Europe and the USA for the defendants' appealto the European Court of Human Rights. The objectives of the Trust are nowprimarily to advocate and lobby for a change in the UK law with regard toconsensual sadomasochistic activity. The Trustees are SM practitioners ofstanding within the fetish communities - gay, lesbian or heterosexual."SM Pride United Kingdom campaigning organisation for informed and consentingadult sadomasochists. It exists to represent the UK SM scene and to campaignon its pcsexe.comtered / KinkFest new UK voluntary group formed to celebrate and defend the diverse BDSM/ Fetish community in the UK, and to run educational and entertainmentevents in the UK to further the cause of BDSM & Fetish, including,KinkFest, a major day of workshops, demos and meetings in pcsexe.comer Fund, Netherlands"The Spanner Fund Netherlands (SFN) ... isa fundraising organization which aims to support informative, educational,or other worthwhile projects that aim to improve the social and legalposition of SM practitioners. The group, which has grown out of the oldaction group, "Spanner Group Netherlands" believes that we've allgot to take care of our own community; no one else will do this for us."Other organisationsOrganisations with a wider role in promoting civil liberties and humanrights, especially those that have acknowledged past abuses of BDSM people'pcsexe.comcan Civil Liberties Union US campaigning organisation promoting civil pcsexe.comists Against Censorship Against Censorship was formed in 1989 by a group of long-timefeminist academics and campaigners who wished to fight censorship from afeminist perspective. FAC's current aims include the elimination of de jureand de facto prior restraint in the production and distribution of mediaimages; the removal of the powers of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise toconfiscate magazines, videos, films and other media; elimination of thepowers of the police to enter a person's home to search for pcsexe.comty UK campaigning organisation promoting civil pcsexe.comnal Coalition for Sexual Freedom"The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national organizationcommitted to creating a political, legal, and social environment in theUnited States that advances equal rights of consenting adults who practiceforms of alternative sexual expression. NCSF is primarily focused on therights of consenting adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamorycommunities, who often face discrimination because of their sexualexpression."Sexual Freedom Coalition SFC's activities include: running a campaign, with other groups, forbody acceptance; advising the Home Office and political groups on lawreform; keeping a watch on sex censorship and legal restrictions; providinglegal contacts and advice on sexual freedom issues; holding an annualconference in pcsexe.coments and ResourcesNational and international documents on which everyone's civil liberties arebased, including those of people who happen to do pcsexe.comrsal Declaration of Human Rights United Nation's human rights convention, signed by most member statesof the UN in pcsexe.comntion for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms statement of human rights, signed by the UK in 1950 anddirectly incorporated into UK law in October 2000. This includes severalhighly relevant rights protecting private life, freedom of expression andassociation, and preventing discrimination. The UKHuman Rights Unit of theLord Chancellor's Department has links to human rights information. The "Study Guide"provides a commentary on the European Convention on Human Constitution of the United States, as currently amended the 1791 ammendments which form the "Bill of Rights." ©1997-2010Informed Consent Comments to
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